Monday, March 2, 2015

Climate Change:

Scientists Confirm ‘Critical Link’ between CO2 Emissions and Warming (RTCC)

High-precision field instruments in the US have provided the first real-time “action shots” of the increasing impact of CO2

(Pic: Jonathan Gero/Space Science and Engineering Centre)
Government scientists in the US say they have directly observed for the first time the greenhouse effect in action, while monitoring the way carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere absorbed increasing amounts of thermal radiation from the surface.

Their measurements, taken over a period of 11 years in Alaska and Oklahoma, confirm predictions made more than 100 years ago, and repeatedly examined: there is a greenhouse effect, and the greenhouse gas that most helps the world warm is carbon dioxide.

They predict that unless the world makes a switch from coal, oil and natural gas to solar, wind, water and wave energy, or biofuels, or nuclear or geothermal power sources, global average temperatures will go on rising inexorably.

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