Tuesday, February 17, 2015

United Kingdom:

Opinion: Geothermal Energy Provides a Real Solution to Energy Security (Blog by Laura Eaton-Lewis)

We don’t need a volcanic landscape to tap the heat in the earth, and the Government has already commissioned reports that have found enough resource in Scotland to heat the whole country using Geothermal energy, as the Times reported last year. When faced with pollution of our communities and a hastening of the climate catastrophe that threatens extinction within decades, why on Earth are we NOT chasing the sustainable wealth in Geothermal Energy?

We could use the heat for heating, but also to power turbines, potentially generating 10s-100s MWe, possibly even GWe of baseload power. That would mean that geothermal energy could equal that of wind power, meeting our entire electricity demand. Geothermal energy has the additional advantage of supporting baseload independent of season and weather changes throughout the year.

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