Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Geothermal Feature Comes to Life (Reykjavík Grapevine)

A geothermal location in southwest Iceland has been going through some sudden and dramatic changes.

Víkufréttir reports that the geothermal area of Gunnuhver has seen quite a transformation recently. The site, which was once a relatively placid patch of gently bubbling clay and wafting sulfuric steam, is now under police lockdown.

All steam has disappeared from the area, save for the source of the geothermal spring itself, which alternately bellows hot steam and clay meters into the air. The pedestrian walkway through Gunnuhver has partially collapsed due to the heat and water damage.

Above, you can see a video of reportage from the scene. While the reporting is done in Icelandic, non-Icelandic-speakers will still get to see the activity currently going on at Gunnuhver.

It has not been proposed at this time that the current activity is in any way connected to the volcanic activity occurring at Holuhraun, hundreds of kilometers away.