Geothermal Energy in Iceland (
"Raw Power" by Joseph F. Batir. Picture of the
IDDP-1 shortly after being drilled. This is the beautiful raw power of
geothermal energy! Krafla, Iceland. Taken June 6 2010. GRC
Photo Contest 2014.
Iceland’s position atop the separating European and American tectonic plates has created a unique and savage landscape. The combination of fire and ice created global travel chaos in 2010 when the eruption of Eyjafjallajokull led to thousands of cancelled flights across the world. As the world watches the quivering Bardarbunga volcano amongst fears of a similar event, it is worth remembering that Iceland’s volcanism brings clean energy benefits as well as risks.
Due to the high volume of electricity consumption by the aluminium industry, and the country’s population of just 320,000, Iceland has the world’s highest electricity consumption per capita, using more than four times the electricity per capita per year than an average inhabitant of the United States, and more than forty times that of the average Mexican.
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