Wednesday, August 20, 2014


Renewable Energy Provides 100% Of New U.S. Power In July (North American Windpower)

There is now 3.87 GW installed capacity of geothermal energy in the U.S.

All new U.S. electrical generating capacity put into service in July came from renewable energy sources, according to the latest Energy Infrastructure Update report from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).

For the first seven months of this year, renewables have accounted for more than half (53.8%) of the 4,758 MW of new U.S. electrical capacity that has entered service, with solar (25.8%) and wind (25.1%) each accounting for more than a quarter of the total. In addition, biomass provided 1.8%, geothermal 0.7% and hydropower 0.4%. There were 5 new geothermal energy units brought on line for a total of 35 MW.

Renewable energy sources now account for 16.3% of total installed operating generating capacity in the U.S.: hydro - 8.57%, wind - 5.26%, biomass - 1.37%, solar - 0.75%, and geothermal steam - 0.33% (3.87 GW installed capacity).

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