IRENA: 9 Times More Geothermal Needed to Avoid ‘Climate Catastophe’ (PV-Tech)
Geothermal deployment needs to increase 9 times over by 2030 to avoid "climate catastrophe", a report by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) has warned.
Launched in New York last week, the report, ‘REmap 2013’, aims to show a 36% share of renewables in the energy mix by 2030 is feasible, affordable and will mitigate climate change risks – keeping carbon pollution below 450ppm to keep within a ‘safe’ 2 degrees Celsius rise in global temperatures.
Based on the IRENA model, wind energy needs to increase the most, by a factor of 15, and solar second, by a factor of 12. Geothermal needs to grow nine times over, hydro to double, biomass by a factor of 1.5 and tidal generation to increase by less than 0.1.
IRENA has calculated the switch to renewables also provides US$740 billion of savings each year on environmental costs from burning fossil fuels – cancelling out the investments costs required to reach 36% renewables.
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