Thursday, March 27, 2014


GeoMol Mid-term Conference

5th and 6th June 2014, Leoben, Austria

Assessing subsurface potentials of the Alpine Foreland Basins for sustainable planning and use of natural resources

The GeoMol Mid-term Conference will take place in Leoben, Austria, on 5th and 6th June 2014, kindly hosted by the Montanuniversität / Joanneum Research. It will inform you on the state-of-the-art, the (preliminary) results and developments of GeoMol including the official launch of GeoMol’s web-based transnational geo data infrastructure for dissemination and query of multidimensional geological information. 

The event will focus on the scientific community and academia and will provide a platform for discussion and exchange on recent concepts and developments in the fields of seismic interpretation:
  • 3D modelling and model parametrisation
  • geo data infrastructures and dissemination tools for 3D models
  • geo-potential assessment
  • foreland basin geology.
GeoMol invites you to report on your research and expertise on these topics and how the results of GeoMol could support your work. Thus, your contribution on the subject, oral or poster, is highly appreciated.

The GeoMol Mid-term Conference is free of charge, catering will be provided.

For your enrolment and the registration of your presentation please use the pdf form: Registration Form GeoMol Midterm Conference