Wednesday, October 9, 2013

United Kingdom:

U.K. Must Reassess Geothermal Potential Say Engineers (Power Engineering International)

Britain is not doing enough to exploit its geothermal energy potential according to the U.K.’s Institution of Mechanical Engineers.

In a policy statement released today, the institution urges the government to play “catch up” with other European countries such as Germany and make the geothermal market attractive for investment.

The global geothermal capacity is currently 11 GWe, with the largest resources in the U.S., the Philippines, Indonesia, Mexico and Italy.

With interest in geothermal electricity production growing, experts believe that geothermal generation could grow to 200 GW by 2050.

The Institution of Mechanical Engineers says that in the U.K. there are several areas with the natural resources to benefit from geothermal production, including Cheshire, East Yorkshire, Worcestershire, Cornwall and Northern Ireland.

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