Canadian Geothermal Energy Association Turns to Crowdfunding (Hydrogen Fuel News)
Canada has become a relatively strong advocate for renewable energy in recent years, but the country is the only one along the Pacific Ring of Fire, a notoriously geologically active region of the world, that does not have a single operational geothermal energy facility within its borders. The Canadian Geothermal Energy Association has members that account for approximately 20% of the world’s combined geothermal energy systems but its home country does not have any domestic geothermal power plants. It may be looking to resolve this issue by tapping into the crowd.
Crowdfunding has become a very popular tactic in the game industry, especially among independent developers that have ambitious ideas. The concept is relatively straightforward: Companies or individuals seek funding from the general public in order to bring their concepts to life. Crowdfunding is relatively foreign to the renewable energy sector, but the concept has proven quite attractive for groups looking to build clean power systems when government support is sparse.
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