Monday, July 1, 2013


How to Move Geothermal Forward in U.S. (Domestic Fuel)

The U.S. Geothermal Energy Association (GEA) recently gathered in Reno, Nevada for its third annual National Geothermal Summit and the key topic was how to move geothermal forward.

One way, as identified by Stacey Crowley, director, Nevada Governor’s Office of Energy and Karen Edson, vice president, policy and client services for California ISO, noted that as intermittent power grows, states have an urgent need for power that can fill the gaps and keep the system reliable. They said that geothermal energy can be part of the solution.

In addition, Crowley and Edson stressed the geothermal should no longer be considered to be a baseload technology, but rather a firm, yet flexible energy option that can meet the needs of today’s power systems- especially as aging coal plants are replaced with clean energy.

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