Monday, May 20, 2013


Opportunities in Geothermal Power (

Using the enormous heat generated in the Earth's core by the radioactive decay of unstable elements, geothermal power could prove to be the cleanest, greenest, and most abundant source of energy we have ever used.

Literally beneath our feet is a white-hot mass of magma that generates temperatures of up to 9,000 degrees Fahrenheit. The heat is used to generate electricity or heat facilities.

Geothermal energy is so sustainable that the first modern site, established in Lardarello, Italy, in 1904, is still producing power. The existing plant has been in operation since 1914 and was interrupted only once, by a World War II bomb.

The GRC Annual Meeting & GEA Expo in Las Vegas, Sept. 29 - Oct. 2, will be celebrating this anniversary of "A Global Resource, from Larderello to Las Vegas."

Although geothermal energy is experiencing a relatively recent resurgence, it's hardly new. It has been powering the United States since 1922, and currently produces 65% more power in the United States than solar and wind. Yet despite its commercial success since 1960, geothermal's full potential is just starting to be tapped by a few visionary companies.

This is the future, my friends... and this is where tomorrow's energy profits will be found.

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