it’s Not Quite Dead Yet (RenewEconomy)

Australia’s renewable energy analyst community – one of the country’s smallest demographics – has revived its interest in the geothermal sector as Geodynamics nears what is being described as a globally significant test in April.
Paul Jensz, the a grid business and energy analyst for Melbourne-based PhillipCapital has rated Geodynamics a speculative buy ahead of the close loop flow test, which he says could be the precursor of a commercially viable project – sometime down the track.
That may be a brave call, given the geothermal sector’s recent history of disappointments and plunging share prices, but Jensz says that while it’s a “very high risk” investment, Geodynamics rates as the “best speculative” buy in the local sustainable energy sector because of the long term prize of delivering 1,500 MWe of baseload power by 2025 from the Cooper Basin geothermal resource is still tangible.
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