Nevada Green Sector to Get Boost from Fiscal Cliff Deal (Reno Gazette-Journal)
New requirements especially helpful for geothermal projects
Retaining the Bush-era tax cuts for most Americans was front and center in the recent fiscal cliff deal that passed in the nation’s capital.
The 11th-hour compromise, however, could have an additional impact on renewable energy development in Nevada thanks to a few key words that were squeezed in by lawmakers into the American Taxpayer Relief Act.
More than 70 pages into the bill under Section 407 are provisions for renewable projects such as wind and geothermal that replace the phrase “placed in service” under old laws for “the construction of which begins.”
The impact of the word swap may not seem like much in the grand scheme of things. For renewable energy developers, however, the change in semantics could mean the difference between a project being dead in the dirt or moving forward.
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