Monday, December 10, 2012

United Kingdom:

New 3D Map of Britain's Geology Helps Search for Geothermal Sources (Nottingham Evening Post)

GB3D National Bedrock Fence Diagram.
(Courtesy BGS)
The British Geological Survey (BGS), has released the 'GB3D' map which shows a network of cross-sections through the earth's crust of the UK.

It is hoped it will provide a new way for educators and the public to explore geology's links with water, oil, minerals, coal and gas resources.

Professor John Ludden, executive director of the British Geological Survey, said: "This new 3D model of Great Britain will provide a foundation for those seeking to develop new resources such as shale gas and to explore the potential for geothermal heat sources."

The GB3D geological model for Great Britain is available for free to download from

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