Friday, November 9, 2012


Chileans to Get a Taste of NZ Geothermal Expertise ( - News Release)

(Courtesy Leapfrog)
GNS Science is taking its geothermal energy expertise to Chile next week where it will run workshops in computer modelling of geothermal fields for the geothermal industry in Chile.

The Chileans have asked for the two three-day workshops to learn to use a New Zealand-developed three-dimensional modelling software that improves the efficiency of developing and running geothermal energy fields.

Called Leapfrog Geothermal, the software was developed by Christchurch-based company ARANZ Geo with the support of GNS Science. It is fast becoming the worldwide industry standard software for geologists involved in geothermal development.

The courses are being run back-to-back in Santiago. The first is a general course open to industry and university personnel from throughout Chile, and the second is an in-house course being run for a Chilean geothermal energy company that has recently bought the Leapfrog software and wants its staff to become competent users.

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