Friday, February 17, 2012


GeoPower Mexico
Members of the GRC are entitled to a 20% discount, simply quote code GRC20 when prompted online to qualify.

This event will be simultaneously translated into Spanish & English

La Conferencia será traducida simultáneamente en Español y Inglés

Dear Colleague,

Jordy Herrera, the Mexican Minister of Energy, has confirmed his participation at the Mexican International Renewable Energy Congress (MIREC), of which GeoPower Mexico is a key part.

Speaking in advance of July's election, Mr Herrera's involvement will allow the congress to host definitive discussions on the future energy plans and discuss the National Action Party's support for the development of renewable energy sources in Mexico.

Click here for more information or to register your attendance. Members of the GRC are entitled to a 20% discount, simply quote code GRC20 when prompted online to qualify.

"With geothermal energy plants up and running in Baja California, Coahuila, Jalisco, Michoacan and Puebla, Mexico currently has 959 MW of geothermal energy generating capacity"*. Attend GeoPower Mexico to learn how geothermal will further increase its role in Mexico's energy mix. Click here to reserve your place today.