Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Canada & Iceland:

Alterra Power Announces HS Orka's 2011 Annual Financial Results (Sacramento Bee)

(Courtesy HS Orka hf) 

Revenue increased by 11.7%. Gross profit increased by 12.2%. Electricity production from the Reykjanes and Svartsengi geothermal power plants decreased by 5.2%. A net loss of $8.1 million was recorded in 2011.

Alterra Power Corp. announces that its 75% owned Icelandic subsidiary, HS Orka hf, today released audited financial results and operating results for the twelve month period ended December 31, 2011.
HS Orka's financial statements are prepared according to IFRS and reported in Icelandic kronur (ISK), and can be found at

Highlights of the year ended December 31, 2011 include:
  • Revenue increased by 11.7% to $64.0 million (2010: $57.3 million). Revenue growth came primarily from an average 5.2% strengthening of the ISK against the US Dollar, and from aluminum prices that were on average 9.9% higher than in 2010. In 2011 approximately 44% of HS Orka's revenue was indexed to the price of aluminum (2010: 48%); this is expected to drop to approximately 36% in 2012 as the result of the expiry in October 2011 of one of the related sales contracts.
  • Gross profit increased by 12.2% to $21.1 million (2010: $18.8 million), primarily as a result of revenue growth which was partially offset by higher maintenance and salary costs and increased depreciation charges.
  • Electricity production from the Reykjanes and Svartsengi geothermal power plants decreased by 5.2% to 1,258,697 MWh (2010:1,327,372 MWh), due primarily to a planned six-week maintenance shutdown on the Reykjanes Unit 1 turbine.
  • EBITDA in 2011 decreased marginally by 2.1% to $23.1 million (2010: $23.6 million), primarily attributable to $3.0 million of non-recurring expenses related to the Nordural contract arbitration.
  • A net loss of $8.1 million was recorded in 2011 as compared to a net income of $7.1 million in 2010.  This reduction was primarily due to foreign exchange rate fluctuations that adjusted the book value of loans and derivatives, which resulted in a $10.9 million gain in 2010 versus a $6.9 million loss in 2011.
  • Subsequent to year end, HS Orka successfully amended its loan agreement with one lender and was in compliance with all loan agreements as of December 31, 2011.
HS Orka Financial Results (expressed in millions of US dollars)
 For the twelve months ended  For the twelve months ended 
December 31, 2011 December 31, 2010 
 at an average rate of 116 ISK per USD  at an average rate of 122 ISK per USD 
Total revenue 64.057.3
Cost of energy production (42.9)(38.5)
Gross profit 21.118.8
Other operating expenses (6.5)(3.3)
Operating income 14.615.5
Other income (expenses) (24.3)(5.6)
Equity loss (0.3)(1.5)
Income tax 1.9(1.3)
Income (loss) for the year (8.1)7.1
EBITDA (1) 23.123.6
 As at December 31, 2011  As at December 31, 2010 
 at a rate of 122 ISK per USD  at a rate of 115 ISK per USD 
Total assets 326.3362.0
Total liabilities 192.2211.3
Cash and cash equivalents 10.79.1
Working capital (2) 11.821.8

HS Orka Financial Results to be included in Alterra's Consolidated Financial Statements (expressed in millions of US dollars - unaudited)
As Alterra changed its year end in 2011 from June 30 to December 31, Alterra expects to include the following amounts in its consolidated financial statements for the six month period ended December 31, 2011, including fair value adjustments applied on its acquisition of HS Orka in August 2010:
 For the six months ended 
December 31, 2011 
 at an average rate of 117 ISK per USD 
 Total revenue 32.4
 Cost of energy production (23.0)
 Gross profit 9.4
 Other operating expenses (3.4)
 Operating income6.0
 Other income (expenses) (23.1)
 Equity loss (0.9)
 Income tax 3.6
 Loss for the year (14.4)
 EBITDA (1) 12.3
 As at December 31, 2011 
 at a rate of 122 ISK per USD 
 Total assets 461.0
 Total liabilities 236.3
 Cash and cash equivalents 10.7
 Working capital (2) 7.9

1 The Company's EBITDA is defined by the Company as earnings before interest, taxes, foreign exchange, depreciation and amortization, as well as before deductions for other gains and losses, amortization of below market contracts, and value assigned to options granted. The Company discloses EBITDA as it is a measure used by analysts and by management to evaluate the Company's performance. As EBITDA is a non-GAAP measure, it may not be comparable toEBITDA calculated by others. In addition, as EBITDA is not a substitute for net earnings, readers should consider net earnings in evaluating the Company's performance.
Current assets less current liabilities (net of current portion of long-term debt)