(Source: Philippine Daily Inquirer)
AP Renewables owns and operates the 289-megawatt Tiwi geothermal power plant complex in Albay and the 458.53-MW Makban geothermal power facility in Laguna and Batangas.
In a statement, APC said its subsidiary AP Renewables Inc. signed last December 26 a five-year power supply agreement with Abra Electric Cooperative Inc. (Abreco), which distributes electricity to 26 municipalities in Abra.
It acquired the facility from the government after submitting the highest bid of $447 million for the Tiwi-MakBan geothermal complex in 2008.
It acquired the facility from the government after submitting the highest bid of $447 million for the Tiwi-MakBan geothermal complex in 2008.