Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Canada: Report Concludes Potential for Combined Geothermal Power and Heat Plant at Repurposed Gas Field

Natural Gas Wells for Geothermal Heat and Power (News Release)

A new pre-feasibility study published by Geoscience BC evaluates the potential to repurpose the Clarke Lake Field natural gas field to host a pilot plant to generate geothermal energy and heat.

Called Clarke Lake Geothermal Pre-Feasibility Study, the report assesses two potential sites close to the Clarke Lake Gas Field south of Fort Nelson. It outlines the potential costs and revenues as well as technology recommendations and permitting requirements as a first step to understanding economic viability.

The report concludes that there is the potential for a combined geothermal power and heat plant, and that the payback period on development costs would be between 12 and 24 years. It identifies potential customers for power and uses for heat including public building heating and industrial customers. The report also identifies future opportunities that a geothermal plant could help to generate facilitate, including greenhouses that use heat from the plant and the potential to attract cryptocurrency mining operations.

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