
Friday, January 31, 2020

Morocco: Government to Organize Geothermal Energy Development

Morocco Explores Geothermal Energy Opportunities (Morocco World News)

The government is currently preparing a regulatory text relating to geothermal energy and its fields of exploration, research, and exploitation.

In line with Morocco’s vision for transitioning to more renewable energies, the Moroccan Ministry of Energy, Mines, and the Environment is studying potential opportunities in the field of geothermal energy.

The Moroccan Ministry of Energy, Mines, and the Environment, has organized a workshop to present the potential of geothermal energy in Morocco.

Morocco’s Minister of Energy Aziz Rabbah presided over the event at the ministry’s headquarters in Rabat on Wednesday, January 29.

During the workshop, representatives from the National Office of Petroleum and Mines (ONHYM) presented the results of studies about geothermal energy and its use. The presentation also revolved around the potential of geothermal energy in Morocco, especially in the Oriental region and in the southern provinces.

From the Global Geothermal News archives: