
Thursday, January 30, 2020

Finland: 40 MWth Espoo Geothermal District Heating Project Will Help Carbon-Neutrality Goal

Espoo and Fortum collaboration on the city's most significant climate action: Espoo Clean Heat project to discontinue coal combustion in 2025 (News Release)

Otaniemi geothermal plant to be commissioned this year

Fortum and the City of Espoo have committed to carbon-neutral district heating production in the district heating network operating in the Espoo, Kauniainen and Kirkkonummi regions in the 2020s. The district heating network supplies heat to 250,000 end users in homes and offices.

The development work that began in 2016 was accelerated last autumn when a new intermediate goal was set to discontinue the use of coal in 2025. The accelerated carbon-neutrality project is called Espoo Clean Heat.

On 29 January 2020, Espoo Mayor Jukka Mäkelä and Fortum CEO Pekka Lundmark signed a new agreement that continues the implementation of shared energy targets and the development of urban solutions.

The production of carbon-neutral district heating in Espoo made advancements during the last decade by using waste heat from wastewater, for example. Last year about one quarter of the production was already carbon-neutral, and this year the share will increase to 40% when the Kivenlahti bio-heating facility and the Otaniemi geothermal plant are commissioned and when one of the two coal-fired units is decommissioned at the Suomenoja power plant. 

From the Global Geothermal News archives: