
Tuesday, November 26, 2019

USA, Nevada: Solar Augmented Geothermal Energy Project Gets Wellfield Equipment

New Geothermal Power Production Technology in Northern Nevada Acquires Wellfield Equipment (News Release)

UC Won, LLC is pleased to announce it has acquired the well field equipment necessary to begin development of the first RenewGeo power plant.

Mark Hauenstein, managing partner at UC Won, said, “We are grateful that Open Mountain Energy was willing to allow us to purchase the equipment necessary to move our project forward.

In the US and Canada, Kaishan Group partners with Open Mountain Energy of Salt Lake City, Utah on the planning, development, and operation of several geothermal power projects currently under construction. 

RenewGeo represents the proprietary thermal storage technology called Solar Augmented Geothermal Energy where solar heat is stored in the ground to create 24/7 sustainable geothermal produced electrical power.

From the Global Geothermal News Archives: