
Thursday, October 24, 2019

USA, California: Wildfire Burning Near The Geysers Geothermal Field

Calpine spokesman says minor damage to geothermal plant near Kincade Fire (Napa Valley Register)

A spokesman for the Calpine geothermal facility, The Geysers in Lake County near the Sonoma County border, said Thursday that the Kincade Fire caused relatively minor damage and the fire threat to the facility has passed.

"Some of our operations have been temporarily suspended but we expect production will resume very soon," Calpine spokesman Brett Kerr said in an email.

"Consistent with our fire prevention protocols, due to the wind conditions we had de-energized our local power line system before the fire started. We do not believe our facilities caused the fire. There are power lines operated by third parties across The Geysers," Kerr said.

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