
Friday, October 25, 2019

USA, California: New Community Choice Aggregator is Opportunity for Geothermal Energy

County approves Community Choice Energy ordinance (Village News)

San Diego County is next door to one of the largest geothermal
resources in the world at the Salton Sea.
The San Diego County Board of Supervisors laid the groundwork Tuesday, Oct. 15, to get into the business of buying and selling electricity. The supervisors voted 3-2 to approve an ordinance establishing a community choice energy (CCE) program.

The board also directed staff to continue negotiations with potential partners for a Joint Powers Authority to govern the CCE program and return to the board on or before October 2020.

Community choice energy programs, also known as community choice aggregation, allow cities and counties to buy or generate renewable energy like solar and wind for residents and businesses.

A county CCE would offer customers in the county’s unincorporated areas an alternative to buying power from San Diego Gas and Electric. SDG&E would still provide transmission and delivery services.

Community Choice Aggregation in California - An Opportunity for the Geothermal Industry [July/August 2016 Bulletin] by Paul Brophy, Past-President, Geothermal Resources Council, and Community Advisory Committee, Sonoma Clean Power.