
Monday, October 7, 2019

Philippines: Geothermal is Key for Climate Change Mitigation - EDC Official

With climate woes worsening energy insecurity, geothermal is key–EDC (Business Mirror)

Energy Development Corp. (EDC) said Monday that geothermal energy is key to achieving the country’s goal to move toward attaining energy security amid worsening climate-related challenges.

“Since geothermal energy can provide continuous power 24 hours a day, it serves as the best source of baseload power,” said Marvin Kenneth S. Bailon, head of EDC’s business development, market planning and contracts on Monday.

“Studies have repeatedly pointed out that the Philippines is the third most vulnerable country to climate-related hazards and we need to take bold action to reverse that. One decisive step we can take is to transform our energy sector and the islands of Negros and Leyte show that it is possible and now even a reality,” added Bailon.

Most important, apart from being more eco-friendly, electricity generated from geothermal sources is helping consumers enjoy more competitively priced power rates, according to Bailon.