
Thursday, October 31, 2019

Netherlands: Stakeholders Can Now Apply for the Autumn Support Package for Geothermal

Netherlands puts forward €5 billion in new clean energy subsidies (PV Tech)

The Netherlands has launched the latest round of its renewable energy subsidy programme SDE+ this week, with a budget to the tune of €5 billion (~US$5.6 billion).

Stakeholders can now apply for the Autumn support packages for technologies related to five categories: biomass, geothermal, water, wind and sun.

Running from 29 October to 14 November, the €5 billion will be dished out in three stages, with subsidies increasing in each phase, according to the Netherland’s Enterprise Agency (RVO) website.

Geothermal energy, also known as geothermal heat, is eligible for SDE + in the following categories:
  • geothermal heat with a depth of at least 500 meters
  • geothermal heat with a depth of at least 4,000 meters
  • geothermal heat with a depth of at least 500 meters, whereby existing oil or gas wells are used for one or both wells of the doublet
  • geothermal heat, whereby expansion of a production installation takes place with at least one additional well with a depth of at least 500 meters
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