
Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Science & Technology: Heat and CO2 from Geothermal Power Plant Helps Grow a "Superfood"

Sustainable Tuscan businesses (The Florentine)

Monteverdi Marittimo is about to welcome a revolutionary scheme, trialed in Chiusdino in 2017-18: a greenhouse that uses geothermal heat and renewable CO2 generated at the nearby geothermal power plant to produce spirulina, a “superfood” rich in protein and antibiotic and antiviral properties.

The experimental greenhouse in Chiusdino, made possible thanks to a collaboration between Enel Green Power and Co.Svi.G (Consortium for the Development of Geothermal Areas), produced “25 per cent more spirulina with 30 per cent less cost,” according to Enel’s website.

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