
Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Mexico: Drilling in Gulf of California Will Measure Geothermal Energy Potential

Scientists begin project studying ocean floor off Guaymas, Sonora (Mexico News Daily)

Research will reveal information about area's tectonic plates and geothermal energy potential

The JOIDES Resolution, a 143-meter-long vessel with the capacity to dig 8,235 meters below the seabed, will carry out drilling at six different points in the Guaymas Basin.

Manet Estefania Peña of the Universidad Autónoma de Baja California (Autonomous University of Baja California) said the research will enable greater understanding of the tectonic plates beneath Mexico and that will allow “better planning of our cities in the future,” while Pérez said that the sediments of the Gulf of California are likely to contain a “large quantity of geothermal energy that at some point could be used.”