
Friday, September 27, 2019

Finland: Testing at 40 MWth Espoo Geothermal District Heating Project Scheduled to Begin at Year End

Piloting world’s first seasonal geothermal energy storage (Business Finland)

Interview with Mikael Maksimow, Chief Operative Officer - Quantitative Heat Oy

How to develop 2000 meters deep geothermal heat well and confirm its function? This is exactly what we at Quantitative Heat Oy are set to do in Smart Otaniemi programme. During the last years we have done a huge amount of research and simulations and developed a working hypothesis of how 2000 meters deep geothermal heat well would behave in real estate heating and cooling.

....We cannot do a 2000 meters deep geothermal heat well in a laboratory scale, nor in a scale of 500 meters, simply because it just won’t work that way… We therefore needed to get funding for the full-scale power plant, a power plant based on a set-up no one had ever tried before. At first, this felt as a quite daunting task, but soon we had two very promising leads.

Our pilot geothermal heat well is being constructed in Koskelo, Espoo, for [the NREP Oy] 15,000 m2 logistics center.

Thus, we are living extremely exciting times in QHeat as we are presently drilling the bore hole and we expect that we can initiate the testing at the end of the year!

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