
Thursday, September 26, 2019

Climate Change: Renewables Surpass Natural Gas in Global Electricity Generation

IEA releases new edition of global historical data series for all fuels, all sectors and energy balances (News Release)

The International Energy Agency (IEA) has just released the 2019 edition of the world’s most comprehensive series of energy databases and data services including World Energy Statistics and Balances, the full range of fuel information data services, and IEA Key World Energy Statistics.

This annual release adds verified data for 2017 along with provisional data for 2018 for many countries, fuels and sectors. The data reveal a range of emerging and continuing trends from around the world and across all sectors.

In terms of the fuel mix for power generation, coal remained dominant and actually increased its share in 2017 to 38% after three consecutive years of decline. Renewables cemented their place ahead of natural gas, reaching a share of 25% in 2017. Oil has continued its decline, while the share of nuclear has remained relatively constant recently after a long period of decline.