
Monday, September 30, 2019

Canada: Vacancies at Alberta Geothermal Energy Developer

Employment Opportunities with Eavor Technologies

Positions Type: Full time
Jobs Closure Date: October 21st
Jobs location: Calgary, Alberta

Job Title: Senior Geologist

Eavor Technologies Inc. is seeking a dynamic geologist who is excited to join a team that is developing and globally deploying a new technology to produce heat and power from a disruptive closed-loop geothermal energy solution (Eavor Loop). Candidate must possess strong analytical skills and an innovative approach to problem solving. Send resumes to careers@eavor.com Subject line: Senior Geologist

Job Title: Junior Geoscientist

Eavor Technologies Inc. is seeking a dynamic geoscientist who is excited to join a team that is developing and globally deploying a new technology to produce heat and power from a disruptive closed-loop geothermal energy solution (Eavor Loop). Candidate must possess strong analytical skills with the ability
to manage large data sets and have an innovative approach to problem solving.
Send resumes to careers@eavor.com Subject line: Junior Geoscientist position

Eavor (pronounced “Ever”) is a technology based Energy company led by a team dedicated to creating a clean, reliable and affordable energy future on a global scale. Eavor’s solution (Eavor-Loop™) represents the world’s first truly scalable form of green baseload power. Learn more about our technology........