
Thursday, July 25, 2019

USA, Nevada: Battle Mountain District Geothermal Leasing Public Review Period is Underway

Geothermal leasing effort underway in region (Pahrump Valley Times)

The largest geothermal lease sale in Nevada BLM history is in the works.

The U.S. Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) Tonopah Field Office and Mount Lewis Field Office are seeking public review of an Environmental Assessment for eight parcels of public land nominated for lease in the Sept. 17 competitive online geothermal lease sale.

These parcels have the potential for future geothermal exploration and development. They comprise about 7,590.5 acres of land in northeastern and central Nevada.

A 15-day public review period began on July 15 and ends July 29. For more, go to https://go.usa.gov/xy93w on the web on the project website or email to blm_nv_bmdo_2019_0020@blm.gov