
Saturday, July 27, 2019

Geothermal Event! Fieldtrip to Imperial Valley Geology and Power Plants

GRC Fieldtrip to Imperial Valley

  • Wednesday - Thursday, September 18-19 (Two Days)
  • Cost: $250 - Limited to 50 participants - sign up now!
  • Led by: Billy Thomas, Mike Krahmer and Sam Abraham.

Mud volcanoes with the Hudson Ranch Geothermal
Power Plant in the background. GRC Fieldtrip 2013.
This two-day fieldtrip will visit the Imperial Valley, home to the world-renowned Salton Sea geothermal field.  The tour begins with a stop at Painted Canyon in the Mecca Hills to observe the San Andreas Fault up-close where discussion of local structures will explain the unique geologic setting of the Salton Trough. The tour will continue with a stop at Red Hill, one of the Quaternary volcanoes that make up the Salton Buttes, and nearby fumaroles and hot springs to discuss the geothermal activity in the area, as well as the Salton Sea and future development (including the potential for mineral extraction).  Tours of the Hudson Ranch power plant, CalEnergy wellfield will conclude the first day.

Day 2 begins with a drive near the US/Mexico border (and nearby solar farms) on the way to Ormat’s Heber geothermal power plant for a tour. The final stops on the way back to Palm Springs will include a visit to “Slab City” (just outside of the town of Niland) to seethe amazing Salvation Mountain and a flowing hot well. The final stop will be at the Wister mud pots along Highway 111, where the movement of a mud pot has created a dangerous situation for the integrity of the highway and Union Pacific railroad.

We look forward to having you join us on this trip to the Imperial Valley, which has become a significant hot spot for renewable energy – with production from geothermal, solar, wind and biofuel – and possibly soon to be one of the most important regions for lithium mining.

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