
Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Kenya: First Well at Baringo-Silali Geothermal Project is Promising

GDC commences exploratory drilling in Baringo-Silali (GDC)

GDC rig mounted at the Paka Prospect in the
Baringo – Silali Geothermal Project
In May this year, the Geothermal Development Company (GDC) opened the Master valve of a well, the first exploration well in the Paka Geothermal Prospect and the first geothermal well, north of the equator within Kenya’s East Africa Rift System.

To produce geothermal-generated electricity, wells as deep as 2 kilometers or more are drilled to tap steam and very hot water that drive turbines linked to electricity generators.

Already, there are positive indications from the well, signaling success and heralding a new chapter in the development of geothermal energy in Kenya and a momentous milestone for GDC as the company strives to accelerate the development of geothermal resources in Kenya through surface exploration and drilling for steam.

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