
Friday, June 21, 2019

USA: "Regulatory reforms alone could double geothermal capacity" - Sen. Lisa Murkowski

Sen. Murkowski: Geothermal Brings the Heat for America's Energy Future (News Release)

Sen. Lisa Murkowski
Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, chairman of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, today chaired a hearing to examine opportunities and challenges for advanced geothermal energy development in the United States.

Murkowski opened by highlighting the capabilities of geothermal energy.

"Whether it is used for heating our homes or keeping the lights on, geothermal provides clean and always-on energy that requires no external backup," Murkowski said. "We often hear about concerns with wind when it stops blowing, and solar when the sun's not out. You won't hear a similar concern with geothermal. These resources are constant and reliable. There is no such thing as fluctuating, intermittent earth heat, and that's a big advantage."