
Thursday, June 27, 2019

Science & Technology: Molecules Living in Extreme Geothermal Conditions Could be a Successful Treatment for Bacterial Infections

Germs and geothermals: A uniquely New Zealand collaboration (Phys.org)

Thermophiles at Grand Prismatic Spring in
Yellowstone National Park, USA. GRC Fieldtrip 2015.
Dr. Rob Keyzers from the School of Chemical and Physical Sciences at Victoria University of Wellington is leading a long-running, uniquely New Zealand research project to help find new sources of antibiotics.

The collaboration is looking at a group of organisms called extremophiles—organisms that live in extremely hot or extremely cold environments unsuited to human habitation. For the past several years, the research—involving scientists from Victoria University of Wellington, GNS Science, the University of Auckland and the University of Canterbury—has focused on one organism that lives around geothermal vents in New Zealand.

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