
Tuesday, May 28, 2019

United Kingdom: Renewable Energy Auction to Kick-Off Tomorrow

Start gun primed for CfD3 (reNews)

Renewables developers prepare for the UK’s third Contracts for Difference auction which kicks off tomorrow

(Courtesy CIA.gov)
UK Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) will launch the third Contracts for Difference allocation round for new renewable energy projects on 29 May.

Developers of so-called Pot 2 technologies, including geothermal, offshore wind, remote islands wind and wave and tidal, will have until 18 June to submit a project application.

Applications will be assessed until 9 July, after which any non-qualifying applicants can appeal. The earliest the week-long CfD3 sealed bid window can open is 19 July and the latest is 9 October, depending on the length of any appeals process.

The first possible publication date of the auction results is 18 August with the latest being 4 November.

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