
Monday, April 22, 2019

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Drilling Rig Arrives at Geothermal Power Project Site

Drilling Rig For St Vincent Geothermal Project Moved Safely To Site (News784)

After a 2 hour delay on Sunday 14th April 2019 the truck carrying the 60 ft 60 tons drilling rig and others left Port Kingstown for the site at Rabbaca.

Much of the concerns raised were not realized and the buttressed Biabou bridge did not exhibit any signs of stress. Traffic officers were coordinated and road users were compliant.

The Geothermal project aims to deliver a 10 MW geothermal power plant to the Caribbean island nation of St. Vincent & the Grenadines (SVG), transforming its energy sector, reducing its dependency on imported diesel, and providing a new sustainable and affordable source of energy based on an indigenous resource.

From the Global Geothermal News archives: