
Monday, January 28, 2019

Europe: New Partnership to Develop Geoscience, Geo-energy and/or Geothermal Energy

Agreement to establish Geo-Energy Europe metacluster signed in Dublin (EGEC)

Pole AVENIA and 6 out of its 7 partners in the Geo-Energy Europe project have signed a Partnership Agreement in Dublin last Monday, January 21, 2019 to formalize the creation of the Geo-Energy Europe metacluster and sustain its life beyond the end of the ongoing project timeframe (2018-2019).

The Geo-Energy Europe project is coordinated by French competitiveness cluster Pole AVENIA and funded by the European Programme for the COmpetitiveness of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (COSME), under the “Clusters Go International” call for projects. It started in January 2018 and will run until end of 2019.

As stated in the first article of the Partnership Agreement, “the Geo-Energy Europe metacluster is an open and voluntary alliance of complementary innovation cluster organizations or equivalent business network organizations from across Europe, involved in geoscience, geo-energy and/or geothermal energy that are committed to working together on a common vision.” That vision is to gather and brand most key players in the field of sustainable geo-energy in Europe under a common “Geo-Energy Europe” banner, and represent European know-how & technologies in this field in world markets, with a focus on the skills and services offered by its Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs).

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