
Monday, December 31, 2018

Geothermal Event - Call for Sessions for GRC Annual Meeting & Expo

GRC Annual Meeting & Expo - Call for Sessions

This is a “Call for Sessions” for the GRC Annual Meeting to be held in Palm Springs, California on September 15-18, 2019. We are inviting proposals for specific sessions at this year’s meeting. Sessions can be organized and led by up to three people, a session chair and two co-chairs. Successful session chairs will be expected to assist the technical chair to recruit authors and organize reviews. A session will include at least four papers.

The Session Proposal process is simple. Please email a Session Title and Description to Anh Lay at alay@geothermal.org by January 4, 2019.

Details on the requirements of the proposal:
Session Title: Session proposals must include an informative title (20-300 characters, not including spaces) and entered in title case.

Description: The session description is limited to 250 words. The description will be used during the review process. Session descriptions will be reviewed by the GRC Annual Meeting committee for possible inclusion in the meeting. Successful session proposals will be listed on the GRC website during the draft paper submission phase to assist authors in identifying an appropriate session to submit their draft paper.

Descriptions must adhere to the following criteria:
  • Concise definition of the scientific topic. Proposals must focus on scientific results and/or their applications.
  • Explain why the session is topical and relevant.
  • Session proposals focused on a specific development program, experiment, technology, or region of expansion are encouraged.
  • Sessions in tribute of a specific person will be considered, but appropriate justification must be provided.
  • Session proposals that are deemed to be primarily advertisements of commercial products and services will not be considered.
Optional: Please include the names of any specific people that you would recruit to author a paper for this session.

A separate “Call for Papers” will be released once sessions are reviewed and selected.