
Monday, October 8, 2018

USA: The Heritage, Diversity and Corresponding Strengths of the Geothermal Energy Industry in the U.S. - An Opinion

Geothermal Heritage III: USA (LinkedIn)

by William Harvey, P.E., Project Engineer at POWER Engineers

(Courtesy CIA.gov)
...We appreciate the tremendous innovations the USA has made in the geothermal sphere. There is probably a tendency for many cognizant Americans to stay quiet regarding achievements, since there are some prominent counter-examples and we would prefer not to be associated with our rude, boastful countrymen. But if modesty prohibits us from even remembering significant accomplishments, that's a fault too.

What exactly is the USA's heritage regarding geothermal energy?

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The GRC Annual Meeting & Expo will be held in Reno, Nevada, USA from 14-17 October at the Peppermill Resort Spa & Casino.