
Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Germany: Drilling Operations for the Neuried Geothermal Power Plant "Will Begin in the Near Future"

Daldrup & Söhne AG awarded new concession for Neuried claim (News Release)

Geysir Europe GmbH, a subsidiary of Daldrup & Söhne AG, has been granted the concession for the exploratory field in the Neuried claim by the responsible regulatory authority in Freiburg, Germany. The concession, which was awarded by the state office for geology, raw materials and mining (LGRB), gives Geysir exclusive rights to access the claim for the planned geothermal drillings.

"We are very happy to have been granted the concession by the Baden-Württemberg state authorities," says Josef Daldrup, CEO of Daldrup & Söhne. "We will quickly start working on the next procedural steps. Daldrup already owns the premises for the operations. That means the drilling operations for the geothermal power plant in Neuried will be able to begin in the near future, in line with existing plans."

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