
Thursday, March 29, 2018

Europe: “Our Vision is that by 2050 geothermal energy can cover a significant part of domestic heat and electricity demand”

Vision for Deep Geothermal: Looking towards 2050 (EGEC)

In the birthplace of geothermal energy (Pisa, Italy), the European Technology & Innovation Platform on Deep Geothermal (ETIP-DG) has presented its “Vision for Deep Geothermal”to look at future development of deep geothermal energy and highlight the great potential of untapped geothermal resources across Europe.

Meeting this week in Tuscany, a region where geothermal already employs nearly 10,000 people and provides clean and reliable energy to thousands more, helping reduce dependency from fossil fuels imports, the ETIP-DG releases its Vision document and launches works on its Strategic Research Agenda.

“Our Vision is that by 2050 geothermal energy can cover a significant part of domestic heat and electricity demand,” said Ruggero Bertani, Chairman of the ETIP-DG. “As a local and stable source of renewable energy, geothermal will be crucial in the future energy system, providing power, heat and thermal storage.”