
Thursday, January 25, 2018

Kenya: Expansion of Geothermal Energy Exploitation an Important Element of Adjustment to Climate Change - Development Bank Expert

Kenya becomes a pioneer in green energy (KfW)

Michael Andres is
responsible for the energy
projects of KfW Development
Bank in Kenya.
About half of the Kenyan population lives without a mains connection. To expand its power supply, the country is investing in geothermal, wind and solar technology. We spoke to Michael Andres, an energy expert at KfW Development Bank, formerly KfW Bankengruppe, about Kenya's quantum leap from emergency power diesel generators to a geothermal power plant.

What benefits does geothermal energy offer when compared to other energy resources?

Geothermal energy is not only a renewable and nearly carbon-neutral technology; it is also largely independent of factors like the seasons and climate. Expansion of geothermal energy exploitation is also an important element of Kenya’s adjustment to climate change, as it reduces dependency on hydropower.