
Tuesday, November 28, 2017

USA, South Dakota: Geothermal Energy Research in an Abandoned Gold Mine

A Group of Scientists Walk Into a Mine ...

…to conduct cutting-edge renewable energy research on behalf of the Geothermal Technologies Office.

The Homestake Gold Mine in Lead, South Dakota, was once the largest and deepest gold mine in all of North America. It produced approximately 41 million ounces of gold during 126 years of operation. In 2002, the mine was shuttered when the gold veins vanished. Then, after pumping and maintenance costs increased, the Barrick Gold Corporation let the mine slowly fill with water.

Beginning this year, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) is leading a new geothermal research project at the mine, dubbed “Collab.”

Lawrence Berkeley National Lab is partnering with seven other DOE national labs and six universities to develop field experiments focused on understanding and modeling rock fractures, an essential element of “enhanced geothermal systems.” With this research, they could help unlock 100-plus gigawatts of EGS potential.

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