
Friday, September 29, 2017

Canada: Tender Offered for Drilling for Springhill Geothermal Project

Request for Quotations - Geothermal Test Wells: Drilling and Construction

Municipality of the County of Cumberland, Nova Scotia, Canada

The Municipality of Cumberland is requesting quotations from qualified drilling contractors, to provide the necessary services to drill test wells and install casing into former mine workings as various locations within the Springhill Coalfield mining district, in the community of Springhill NS. 

Since their abandonment in 1958, the workings flooded. In the late 1980s and early 1990s their value as a geothermal energy source was realized and a number of boreholes were drilled to tap the energy source. Some of the original wells and a number of new wells are still being utilized as a mine water geothermal energy source. All the current geothermal wells were drilled into the upper portions of the mine workings. 

Closing on October 17  at 02:00 PM AST.   Tender Documentation (PDF).......
More information, email Brian Herteis at bherteis@cumberlandcounty.ns.ca