
Monday, July 10, 2017

Indonesia: 5-Day Course on Advanced Remote Sensing Methods in Early Stage Geothermal Exploration

Training on Advanced Remote Sensing for Geothermal Exploration (GEOCAP)

24-28 July, University Club of Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta

Several speakers will share their knowledge on this topic are:

  • Dr. Chris Hecker (University of Twente - ITC)
  • Dr. Rob Hewson (University of Twente - ITC)
  • Dr. Agung Setianto (Universitas Gadjah Mada)
  • Dr. Asep Saepuloh (Institut Teknologi Bandung)

This course covers advanced remote sensing methods in early stage geothermal exploration. It will show the potential of the data sets and methods in giving fast, reproducible information for large areas, but it will also help the participants understand the uncertainties and limitations of the different remote sensing techniques. The course includes a one-day field trip to Dieng geothermal field, and case studies on some of the Indonesian geothermal systems.

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