
Monday, June 19, 2017

California: CAISO to Study Renewable Energy Alternatives to Natural Gas Plants

California grid operator agrees to study clean alternatives to Oxnard gas plant (Los Angeles Times)

The manager of California’s electricity grid agreed Friday to conduct a study of clean energy alternatives to replacing an existing natural gas facility in Ventura County with a new, more efficient fossil fuel plant.

In a five-page filing with state regulators, the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) asked for a deadline of Aug. 16 to complete the project. The California Energy Commission had initially given the system operator until July 19, if it chose to do the review of alternatives to the proposed Puente natural gas project. Commissioners have scheduled a hearing for June 28.

The studies mean that a handful of proposed fossil fuel plants could get scrapped in favor of renewable energy.

A Los Angeles Times investigation earlier this year found that power plants are closing prematurely in the state because of a glut of electricity. Yet regulators continue to approve more natural gas plants.

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