
Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Mexico: Iceland to Help Develop Geothermal Energy Projects

Geothermal clusters of Iceland and Mexico sign cooperation agreement (ThinkGeoEnergy)

Official signing of a cooperation agreement
between the Iceland and Mexican geothermal
clusters (source: ThinkGeoEnergy)
In a ceremony today in conjunction with the Geothermal Conference for Latin America and the Caribbean, the representatives of the Iceland Geothermal Cluster, Vidar Helgason and Dr. Luis Alonso Gallardo, the Director of the Earth Science Division of Mexican El Centro de Investigación Científica y de Educación Superior de Ensenada (CICESE) signed a cooperation agreement.

The agreement aims to encourage the creation of scientific consortiums and the collaboration in various scientific, research, educational and exploration aspects of geothermal projects.

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