
Friday, April 21, 2017

USA, California: Legislation Would Level the Playing Field for Baseload Renewables Like Geothermal

Assembly energy panel gives boost to renewable bill (Daily Democrat)

Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblywoman Cecilia Aguiar-Curry has been able to pass a renewable energy proposal despite opposition by state utilities.

AB 920 made it out of the Assembly Utilities and Energy Committee this week. If approved the legislation will maintain a place in the energy market for renewable resources such as geothermal, biomass, and biogas.

Biomass and geothermal facilities contribute property taxes and royalties to local economies, in addition to being job creators. Tax credits and tax exemptions for renewables like wind and solar, coupled with low labor costs, undercut the market. As a result, over 75 percent of the renewable energy in California comes from wind and solar. AB 920 will help level the playing field so renewable resources that are economic drivers have a fair chance to compete for contracts.